Our Journey

Video: A glimpse into our Morning Walk

My favorite part of the day is walking the kiddos to school each morning. Most mornings Levi, the kiddos, and I all head out the door for our little jaunt about the same time. Together we walk to the corner. Levi heads straight to work and we turn right to school. After dropping off the little ones I get to come home to a quiet and empty house. I enjoy sipping on my hot cup of coffee while easing into my work day. It certainly is lovely.

We think it might be fun to give you a glimpse into this part of our everyday life therefore we compiled this little video.

It really is the simple moments in life, like walking the kids to school, that can offer such joy. It is my one on one time with them to ask about what their day is going to be like, what they are looking forward to, what they had a dream about the previous night, and above all else a chance to tell them how much I love them. What are your most treasured times with your little ones or your favorite part of the day?


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