Olympic Peninsula,  Our Journey


To celebrate our new home in Washington we have teamed up with AR Home Decor and designed commemorative shirts. These long sleeved shirts are now available for purchase on our website/blog.

We hope you enjoy wearing them while on your next adventure or while snuggling up with your favorite mobile device and reading about our continued activities online. Even if you are not in the Pacific Northwest, a unique and comfortable long sleeve shirt is always in style. Makes a great gift for fellow adventurers and dreamers alike.

This past year was a challenge, to put it mildly. So many highs and oh so many lows. We wouldn’t have made it through many of the long days on the road or worrisome sleepless nights without your messages, texts, calls, feedback, comments, follows, and support.

The overwhelming response from family, friends, and strangers applauding us for realizing that life is short and there will never be a perfect time to set out on an adventure such as this really spurred us on and kept the Ford Expedition cruising down the open road and a little extra pep in our step.

You know what they say: the hard times make you stronger and lead you to some of the most amazing moments in your life, or something like that right?

Your continued interest in our journey means the world to us. We are thankful for the life-changing adventure that led us to where we are now and hope you continue to follow our journey. We are truly excited about the life we are building and looking towards our future goals. Keep checking our blog for additional adventures.

Here’s to the Pacific Northwest!! May the journey never end.

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