Our Journey

Beach Day

What is it about spending the day at the beach that just resets the spirit?

We are trudging through all the nuts and bolts of getting our house sold, locking in sponsors and partners to share this journey, reworking our map and logistical stops along the way, scheduling interviews, and all the while trying to entertain these kiddos and not freak them out as they see everything they know being packed out of the house.

We spent an afternoon at the beach to regroup, get some fresh air, and have some relaxed family time.

Claire collected sea shells, found two whole intact shells even.  She was simply thrilled.

Feeling nostalgic we were even able to enjoy a treat from the ice cream truck, something the kiddos have oddly enough never gotten to experience.

Feeling refreshed we are ready to start this week, our last week.  Its going to be a lot of lasts, a lot of goodbyes, a lot of details still yet to iron out.  But for now I feel prepared and ready to tackle it all.

Now tomorrow may be a different story…





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